​Chorus students

Chorus students from Garden City Park School, Hillside Grade School, Manor Oaks School and New Hyde Park Road School performed winter songs at the New Hyde Park-Garden City Park Union Free School District’s Board of Education meeting on Jan. 8 at Garden City Park School.

Led by music teacher Courtney Dunn, Manor Oaks and Hillside Grade students joined together on stage to perform “Shalom Chaverim.” Then, Garden City Park and Road School students, led by music teacher Vincent Marquardt, sang “Let it Snow.”

Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Morrison-Raptis announced Marquardt’s retirement and thanked him for his years of dedication to the district.

 Following the performances, Garden City Park School’s Student Council members presented on what their school means to them and shared a video they created of various events around the school building.

Chorus students

Chorus students

Chorus students