New Hyde Park Road School hosted a Buddy Hoedown to celebrate the kickoff of the Little Buddy program, on Sept. 22.
Older grade-level students are partnered with a younger grade-level student for reading and other activities throughout the school year. Paired with their newly assigned buddies, students headed outside for farm-themed games and races. They participated in axe-throwing, cow lassoing, a rubber chicken toss, a tattoo station, a snake relay and a pumpkin relay.
This is the school’s first year hosting a fall Buddy Day for the students to get to know one another at the start of the year. The school’s PTA planned and hosted the Buddy Hoedown.
“We’re thankful for the PTA’s hard work in preparing this special day for our students,” Principal Denise Connolly said. “Our Buddy Classes were so happy to spend the morning together!”