Health Information

Dear #NHPGCP Families,

The Flu season is quickly approaching.  You can fight influenza at home and at school.

Attached are guidelines from the NYS Depart of Health on the symptoms of the flu, prevention, what to do if your child gets the flu and how to avoid spreading the flu. 

Getting the flu vaccine is the best way to prevent flu and its complications. The vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months and older every year.

*Attachments include: English, Spanish, Chinese.

Information on Lead

Covid-19 Protocols

Health Information

Keeping Healthy: A Guide for Parents

  1. The Flu: A Guide for Parents

  2. How much do you know about strep throat?

Reminder regarding Absence/Lateness

While it is recognized that good attendance is important for success in school, from time to time children will be absent or late. In such cases parents should call the school nurse between 8:00 and 9:00 A.M. If no call is received, the school nurse will contact the home.

School Nurses:

Garden City Park Jacqueline Hickey 516 434-2406

Hillside Grade Stephanie Cascio 516 434-2413

Manor Oaks Sara Alves 516 434-2360

New Hyde Park Road Ann Conroy-Burger 516 434-2382

When a child returns from any absence, a note indicating the dates and reason for absence must be submitted to the child’s teacher. Since the school district is required to report certain diseases to the Department of Health, "illness" is not an adequate explanation for absence. A note is also required if a child is late. The nurse’s office is to be called for health and attendance questions only.